Pass the Test

Posted on Sunday, September 19th, 2021

That was a very uneventful and workman like week. We had our nose to the grindstone as the end of the quarter approaches. (It also rained all week so there was no client golf.) All of the kids were busy with their schoolwork and Diane is busy preparing for her brother to come to town. read more.

Last Time

Posted on Sunday, September 12th, 2021

Well, that’s the last time we talk about the virus. Seriously, we heard from both the right and the left on this one. My brain is hardwired to make life decisions just as I would make investing decisions. I simply made a decision with imperfect information and multiple variables. It’s Investing 101. I took my read more.

Pay Yourself First

Posted on Monday, September 6th, 2021

Our son is adjusting well to school and I haven’t heard from my daughter in weeks – so she must be doing well. Our focus and attention is now on our youngest. He is feeling the crush of senior year. He is constantly at practice, doing homework or off to SAT classes. This weekend we read more.