Let It Run

Posted on Sunday, May 9th, 2021

My daughter came home this weekend for Mother’s Day. She wanted to surprise her mom. She didn’t. You can fool some of the people all of the time. You can fool all of the people some of the time. But you can’t fool mom. Our talk last night turned to student loans. She needs to read more.

Cushion the Blow

Posted on Sunday, May 2nd, 2021

It seems as though tax season just won’t end. Tax season is probably our busiest time of the year. Clients inevitably have questions when it comes to their taxes and I speak to a good amount of the tax preparers. April 15th is supposed to be the end of all that. 2021’s cruel little twits read more.

Down the Stretch

Posted on Sunday, April 25th, 2021

The kids are coming down to the wire as the Great Pandemic Academic School Year ends. This will go down as one of the greatest social experiments in human history. The kids just want it over. The feedback that I am getting is that this was not the easiest academic year especially for my 4th read more.